I've held an opinion on Vampire Savior matchups for a long time; specifically, that there are only four matchups for most characters: Vs. Anakaris, Vs. Demitri, Vs. Victor, and Vs. Everyone else. My reasoning for this is that your goal in a matchup against everyone else is the exact same. Each character has a sort of main goal for their offense: get them in the corner and IAD them to death, land DI/LI/Tenraiha/Big Brunch, run a Bubble Trap, and so on. No matter who you fight, the goal doesn't change; all that changes is how well an opponent can stop you from doing it.
Compare that to ST. Chun-Li, for example, has a different goal in many matchups. Against Ryu, she needs to RTSD before she gets Hadouken'd to death. Against Honda, you'll find yourself trying to counter his various attempts to close the gap. Against Zangief, your goal is specifically to push him back into the corner while keeping yourself from being cornered. Even though your ultimate goal on the offense is the same - Land MP throw with no meter, land super when you have meter - her goal changes from matchup to matchup, while in Vampire Savior, your matchup goal is virtually always your offensive goal.
Still, I feel like I'm finding that "there are no matchups" isn't as true as I originally thought. So, I'm going to put my money where my mouth is. I will try and post my matchup thoughts on every match over the next several blogs - anything from my opinion on how easy/difficult it is, what I do to win, what I do to keep from dying, little tricks you can do, ideal spacing...the works. I'm gonna see what I think after I write them all up.
If you see me on GGPO, help me out! I don't play every matchup every day, all the time. My memory could always use a jog.